Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Superficial

One of my guilty pleasures is following The Superficial blog. It's trashy celebrity gossip (similar to Perez Hilton...but about 1,000 times better) with hi-res pics and snarky commentary. Mr. Fish- the nickname for The Superficial Writer, coined by his fans- is constantly blogging about celebutards and their fashion faux pas, their promiscuous and drug and/or alcohol-infused clubbing nights, or their ridiculous commentary. Some of his favorite celebs to cover are Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, any Victoria's Secret model, any of the Disney channel stars, the Girls from The Girls Next Door, fake stars Spencer and Heidi from The Hills, anyone having anything to do with the Kardashian family, and Cris Angel.
Though the web site is trashy and some of the photos are NSFW, it is set up phenomenally well. Newer posts are posted closer to the top and they are categorized according to what celebrity is involved. So if you want to find out the latest news with the Rihanna/Chris Brown mess, just click on Rihanna's name or search it. Also, his "So Freaking Hot" bar on the right hand side has his fave picks of great pics or stories at the time.
Geekologie and I Watch Stuff are two other blogs by the same writer (Mr. Fish as I'll refer to him as). Geekologie is about technology and gaming while I Watch Stuff is all movie news.
I suppose because it's a blog, that makes it easier to follow the layout, but it's still an understandable and efficient layout.
And the commentary is dirty, but hysterical.

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