Thursday, September 18, 2008

Making the connection

The problem that I see with the media's new "obsession" with soft news is that consumers want the soft news. Honestly, some journalists and some media-consumers are concerned with hard news, the investigative pieces, but for the most part the general population has no connection with an article titled "10 Are Killed in Bombings at Embassy in Yemen." Why? Because they can't relate to this information. It is too obscure for the mass public to care about. Should they care? Maybe the question isn't should the public care, but more WHY would the public care? Journalists, if they feel that hard news should be more prominent in the mass public's mind maybe need to find a way to make that connection with their audience. It's straight up marketing. You have your product/service- the news, the issues, the stories. You have your target markets- news consumers, which vary depending on the medium you use. Your message (and here's the beauty of it) you can change. You can make your product important to consumers by telling them WHY they need it or why it's important to you. You wouldn't try to sell denture cleaner to teenagers. Why? Because it's not something they need or can connect with. So why would you try to force news consumers who are craving soft news to read hard news unless it's something they need or can connect with.

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