Wednesday, September 3, 2008

State of the News Today

After considering our discussion in class about what issues are covered by the media in what form, one would believe unless you're interested in covering war stories or politics there is little hope for aspiring journalists. Part of this doubtful future for journalism lies in the weakening of the newspaper as the essential source for news. I do believe that the future for journalists who are looking to "broaden their horizons" by writing about *gasp* more than just war and politics is grim. Open a newspaper. The majority of the news section is devoted to these issues. However, what about opinion, lifestyle, science, business, technology, entertainment, etc? If the newspaper dies (which, sadly, looks like a definite), these writers will most likely have to write for online or magazine, which can mean a complete change in writing style and spirit. The death of the newspaper will only affect journalists but business, as well. As a marketing student, the death of newspaper means an ENTIRE MEDIUM is gone. For advertisers, that will be a sad day.

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