Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Converge, converge!

In PC World's review of, it compared the "webtop" idea of compiling all your RSS feeds, blogs, social networks and a mini-browser into one site to old-school AOL. Though the idea is not a new one, it would be very useful. Think of it as a more intense version of iGoogle.

When I was a freshman here at the prestigious Park School of Communications, the word on everyone's tongue was convergence. Convergence of ideas, convergence of media, converge, converge. This is convergence occurring right before us. Which goes to show convergence won't die. Even though I haven't heard a professor (or dean for that matter) go off on the importance of convergence since that frightening first semester at school, it's still going on around us.

1 comment:

Kim Gregson said...

might be an interesting place to look for new posts/blogs to follow