Saturday, March 22, 2008

But their Facebook says...

Josh Catone's blog post Should Employers Use Social Network Profiles in the Hiring Process? addresses the issue that many current college students face. When employers are looking into potential job candidates, social network profiles provide personal information that may or (in most cases) may not be relevant to the job.

I understand that employers want to find out about what kind of person they may be hiring, but the information that is on social networks is for just that purpose- networking for SOCIAL purposes, not necessarily job prospects.

The topic of discrimination based off of social networks profiles was also brought up. It could be very difficult to determine why a person was not hired based off of solely the social network profile, especially if a picture of the applicant is available.

1 comment:

Kim Gregson said...

2 interesting posts - 10 points

and remember a lot of work is social - so employers are very interested in how you network socially - they'll keep looking at facebook and linkedin and any other popular network