Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I have no friends (on my sweet new app).

Brad Fitzpatrick's post URLs are People, too perplexed me at first. He talks about how you join a "sweet new app," but you're all alone because none of your friends from your other "sweet apps" use this new app. And so, to fix this "sweet new app" dilemma, the Social Graph API was hence born. It's pretty techie, but for all us non-techies, there's a wonderful video showing how it works in (mostly) Layman's terms.
Basically, it's like a Facebook Mini-feed type deal for all your web needs, sort of. It connects all your social networks together, so you have a friend on Myspace who also has a blog, you find out about all of these things. Yup, it's like a social network "stalker's paradise." So much information, all at one's fingertips!

1 comment:

Kim Gregson said...

1 interesting post - good to see your reactions to the video - 5 points